- 20 Jul 2022
- 3 min read
- By Smoke Alarm Solutions
Industry-first hybrid alarm has hit the market
Smoke Alarm Solutions is excited to be working with Australian-owned company Emerald Alarms to offer an industry-first Hybrid Smoke Alarm.
The beauty of this smoke alarm is its unique ability to operate in every installation scenario. This versatile smoke alarm can operate as a 240 volt hardwired alarm or solely via its inbuilt 10 year battery.
In the instance where the alarm is acting as a 240 volt hardwired alarm, the 10 year lithium battery replaces a more traditional 9 volt battery backup - meaning battery replacements are no longer required.
As smoke alarm legislation is complicated and changes from state to state, there was a need in the market for a product that could meet all requirements regardless of property age or geographical location. This alarm fits the brief.
Hybrid Smoke Alarms are perfect for Queensland properties as they can be interconnected via either hardwiring or a radio frequency module. Interconnection forms an integral component of the new Queensland smoke alarm legislation as does the need for alarms to be in every bedroom. It is CSIRO ActivFire listed, meets Australian Standard AS3786:2014 and has a hush/test button for regular maintenance to ensure ongoing compliance.
This new Hybrid Smoke Alarm, which has been performing incredibly well in all areas of Australia, including areas renowned for being particularly humid and prone to false alarming, has a 10 year warranty as well as a mandated 10 year service life This long warranty covers the entire life-span of the alarm, providing homeowners with a greater sense of security.
Another important feature of this new-style alarm is the double mesh protection which reduces the chance of nuisance alarms and prevents bugs and debris from entering the sensor chamber, another known cause of false alarms.
The Hybrid Smoke Alarm is radio frequency-compatible with Emerald Alarms and the incredibly convenient Emerald Alarm Controller, so there is no need to upgrade any existing Emerald Alarms already installed in properties.
As a standard inclusion of the Smoke Alarm Solutions service, we provide Emerald Alarm Controllers at properties where we have installed Emerald Alarms. These Controllers allow occupants to test and hush alarms without needing to climb a ladder.
A smartphone app will also be available in the near future, allowing homeowners to monitor their Emerald Smoke Alarm Systems from anywhere in the world. An added layer of security which will help assist in the protection of a property from fire.
Click here to learn more about the new Hybrid Smoke Alarm or to be informed of the phone app launch date.
Smoke Alarm Solutions is Australia's leading provider of smoke alarm services to the real estate industry and is a trusted partner of the REIQ. Contact Smoke Alarm Solutions today at 1300 852 301 or email info@smokealarmsolutions.com.au to find out how they can provide a cost-effective and user-friendly solution to remove the liability and stress surrounding such an imperative and intricate set of guidelines involved with smoke alarm compliance. Don't leave compliance up to chance. Ensure you deal with the experts.
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